Have you ever heard that trimming your hair makes it grow faster? Or that shampooing every day causes hair loss? Myths like these have been around for years, leading many people to misunderstand how hair grows and what it really needs to thrive.
Let’s break down five myths about hair growth:
“Trimming your hair makes it grow faster.”
Trimming removes split ends and keeps your hair looking healthy, but it doesn’t affect how fast your hair grows. Hair growth starts at the scalp, not the ends. However, regular trims prevent breakage, helping you retain length.
“Shampooing every day causes hair loss.”
The act of shampooing doesn’t cause hair loss. If you’re losing hair, it might be due to scalp issues, stress, or other underlying factors. The key is using the right shampoo for your scalp type to maintain balance. CÉCRED’s Hydrating Shampoo is a great option for gentle cleansing.
“Wearing hats or wigs causes baldness.”
Hats and wigs don’t cause hair loss unless they are too tight and cause constant friction or pulling on the scalp. Improperly applied wigs and adhesives that make contact with the hair can also lead to hair loss. Glue adhesives used in hair replacement for lace wigs are designed to make contact with skin or a barrier like a cap or wig tape, not your hair. Bold Hold has incredible products and education to teach proper installation methods.
“Hair grows faster when you brush it 100 times a day.”
Brushing excessively can cause breakage and damage, especially if done harshly. Use a wide-tooth comb or gentle detangling brush instead. Check out the Unbrush from FHI Heat for a great detangling brush that is easy to clean.
“My hair type can’t grow long.”
All hair types can grow if properly cared for. The right products and routines, like CÉCRED’s Restoring Hair & Edge Drops, support your body’s form of healthy growth. Length retention is linked to great haircare and genetics.
Looking for ways to build a healthy hair care routine? Check out our blog on Protein Overload: Is It Damaging Your Hair? to learn about maintaining balance in your regimen.
American Academy of Dermatology. "Hair Growth Myths." AAD, https://www.aad.org.
Healthline. "Common Hair Care Myths Debunked." Healthline, https://www.healthline.com.
Cleveland Clinic. "Hair Loss and Care Tips." Cleveland Clinic, https://my.clevelandclinic.org.